Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Mindful Green Beans

I practiced mindful eating today with green beans. Leftovers heated up at work can't be too sexy. Or, can they?

I decided that I shove the whole green bean in my mouth all at once if I eat with a fork. So instead I used my fingers and was able to eat them much more slowly.

Then, I realized that I don't like the tips. Why should I eat something that I don't enjoy? Shouldn't every bite be as good as possible? I can stop perpetuating eating things that I don't love here and now. With these green beans.

I realized how crispy the green beans were. How the splash of olive oil I cooked them in was very nice. And the garlic and toasted almonds were a perfect addition. If I had mindlessly eaten them in front of the computer while working, I don't think I would have realized a thing about the olive oil or crispness. And I likely would have gone home wanting to eat copious amounts of the almonds. Mindfully eating these makes me feel like this was enough and the few almond bits were good and that was enough for this meal and for now.